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Great experience in Giuliano Di Roma international stone sculpture symposium and "L’eruzione&qu

Late blog for October 2016 event, but better than none I guess...

I have been selected to attend to a stone sculpture symposium (working on black volcanic stone) near Rome, arranged by the Frosinone Academy of Fine Art and city of Giuliano di Roma. The sculptures produced during the week of 3-8th October, now kept in the Volcanic Museum (MUVE).

Here is the some photo of excellent experience:

That was the design. It is representation of colourful lava pouring and bursting the cracks of black molten rock expelled by a volcano during an eruption. The sculpture inspired by the nature, concept of our fascinating planet and to bring more even more awareness of how our planet developed over the time and its beauty.

Here are the lovely people, we have worked day time hard, enjoyed the Italian weather weather, and food (even we had attended dance event on last night ;0)

We went to forest and selected our stone

That is the one of the view from our work place, green mountains, blue sky (well until the last day....)

Early stages

Children, art school students came. We had very good sessions. They helped polishing too.

Television sessions, local newspapers:

Finally went to museum

Head of Academy (and curator) Loredana and gorgeous human Rosaria


Last night, party....

Maestro Luca plays theme music of the symposium... la la la la la la

Lastly 2 videos prepared by lovely members of cola Di Scultura

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